Loyola Rwabose KarobwaMining Lawyer, Ministry of Energy and Mineral Development
Loyola Rwabose Karobwa is a Mining Lawyer with Uganda’s Ministry of Energy and Mineral Development, Directorate of Geological Survey and Mines.
Loyola also provides Legal Support to the Rural Electrification Programme, is an Advocate of the Courts of Judicature in Uganda, and is a member of the East African Law Society, where she serves as the Deputy Chairperson of the Mining Law Committee.
She is a member of the Uganda Law Society, and served on the ULS House Fundraising Committee, Young Lawyers Committee, and the Rule of Law Advisory Panel.
She has authored publications on Energy Contracts, State Participation in mining companies, conducted research, and written on Responsible Investment, Community Development Agreements, ESG, and Project Finance.
Loyola is the Legal Compliance Officer of the Executive Committee at the Chevening Alumni Association of Uganda.